Meet Pete Sena

I help busy entrepreneurs and business leaders use divergent thinking to unlock creative solutions that fuel growth for sustainable success.

Let's TALK
Forward Slash

I'm Pete Sena. I help founders like you win.

Too many founders get trapped in the details. Instead of devoting their energy to winning strategy, their energy is zapped by low-value work. Instead of flourishing, they flounder. I've been there too. I'll help you with clarifying your brand to create a winning strategy. I advise brands on finding and seizing new opportunities. Especially brands in complex or innovative spaces. I help you and your brand resonate with people so they buy. When they buy, you grow.

Let's start with the Brand Sprint.

This intensive workshop creates clarity in your story and the vision you have for transforming your brand. Walk away with something you can immediately test in market.

Once we evolve your brand strategy I'll work directly with you and your executive leaders to find new opportunities, position you for speed, and help you win.
Book a Brand Sprint

Hear how founders like you won.

“There are few people that pick at the bottom of problems, most just pick at the top. Pete has a unique gift of seeing his way to the bottom of things, and the curiosity to move around it, get a fundamental understanding and see the way forward from there. With most people, incredibly incisive probing can grow uncomfortable, but Pete's affable nature overcomes this. Pete's a thought partner with few equals.”
Andy Greenawalt,
2x Exit Founder & CEO, Storyhub
“In order to create something truly revolutionary, one needs to be completely emotionally vested in the creation. And that is exactly what I got from Pete and his team at Digital Surgeons. I truly felt I wasn’t in it alone – I couldn’t ask for anything more.”
Sal Syed
CEO, Arccos Golf
"Pete is the first advisor I’ve ever had as a business owner, and he’s set the bar extremely high for all future advisors to follow. Pete is not only a wealth of knowledge but he’s an extremely hands on advisor who goes above and beyond to see you succeed. He’s helped us tremendously in the areas of strategic marketing, CTO vetting, pitch deck revisions, and overall company growth strategies. I’m excited to continue to work with Pete as our company grows and scales!"
Alain Merville,
CEO/Founder, YousicPlay
"Pete is a brilliant entrepreneurial marketer with true passion for insights, design and innovation. And all of this is reflected at Digital Surgeons, the company he founded and leads. I particularly appreciate that everything always starts from studying and identifying the key insights, which in turn lead the creative strategy and design. Pete and his team are great partners and I feel lucky having the opportunity to work together."
Eugenio Perrier
Global Chief Marketing Officer, Sabra
"Naboso has experienced pivotal growth since working with Pete and his company Digital Surgeons. I attribute much of that growth to the powerful team of marketing masterminds, artistic talent, and strategic leadership that falls under Pete’s guidance. Any project we throw at Pete and his team, we know they are going to hit it out of the park every single time. Pete and his team are by far the greatest investment Naboso has made."
Dr. Emily Splichal
CEO, Naboso Technology

Pete consults for emerging startups, challenger brands and Fortune 500 enterprises.

Elizabeth ArdenSperry
US OpenUnited Technologies
Wolf GordonNational Grid

A Note From Pete

I’m curious: what gets you out of bed in the morning?
I can tell you what energizes me every day: exploring the intersection where progress and possibilities meet.
This leads me to my daily to-do list:
  • Ask ourselves where are we now and where are we going? What is the Delta Δ to get there?
  • Consider, frame, and connect problems to create unique, creative solutions and competitive advantages.
  • Splice together novel ideas and approaches from different worlds, cultures, and industries to unlock new growth possibilities for forward-obsessed businesses.
  • Delight in creating solutions that connect people on a human level.
As CEO and Chief Creative Officer of the award-winning creative agency Digital Surgeons, I've helped dozens of businesses and teams shift into positions of category leadership. I've branded, re-branded, and been a part of over 20 exits and IPOs for organizations ranging from garage-based startups to Fortune 500 enterprises.

And I’m here to help you.

Book a 30-minute session to share your challenge with me. If I can’t come up with solutions that excite you, no charge. And if I come up with ideas you love, no charge! Either way, it’s a win-win for you.
Book a consultation
Pete Sena

Work with Pete.

High-energy, interactive, and inspiring presentations. Keynotes include a virtual post-event ideation session.
Pete helps your team create breakthrough connections and actionable strategies using Design Thinking activities.
Events & Activations
Pete takes experience design to a new level with custom events and activations that inspire transformation.
Consulting & Advisory
Pete listens to your unique needs and delivers customized, creative growth strategies that fuel progress and results.
Book a Consultation